Dwarf fortress wiki mods
Dwarf fortress wiki mods

But this terrible night of humanity's history will be long and harsh indeed, and only the greatest among the great stand a chance of bringing forth a new dawn. An era that waits with bated breath for its own end, and the rise of a new existence which will finally bring order to the anarchy and terror of a star system gone mad, or deliver the killing blow to what remains of intelligent life. A world in which the power of the individual once more reigns supreme, the ideals of equality and unity reduced to laughable fantasies. Where even posthuman demigods struggle for survival against ceaseless danger and overwhelming violence. Where mankind no longer rests at the summit of existence but submits to the authority of those who dare follow the path carved out by their forebears and seek to transcend the limits of mere biology. They live in a different world entirely, an endless jungle of steel and carbon in which even the mightiest of cities are but mere drops in its ocean, in which even the greatest scientific achievements known to their ancient ancestors are but wheels and torches compared to the hypertechnological relics which they rely on to survive. The solar system is a haunted grave, the planets, moons, and even space itself strewn with the wreckage of long-dead peoples.īut this is all ancient history, long forgotten to the rising powers of the new Earth. Earth itself is unrecognizable, a broken world littered with a thousand dead nations and forgotten megastructures which obscure any trace of what was once a verdant oasis of natural life.

dwarf fortress wiki mods

From this arose a new age, an era of awe and horror incomprehensible to the common man, built upon the back of a new breed of scientific law scarcely understood even by its practitioners. But from the festering stagnancy of its millennia-long reign came resentment and ambition, culminating in its catastrophic end. In its grand epoch spanning thousands of years, Earth was the jewel of a great empire, its shining cities the capital of a vast civilization which stretched from the pitted surface of Mercury to the freezing depths of the Oort Cloud.

dwarf fortress wiki mods


NOTICE: This is a legacy page for the mod which I ran out of space to post in so I have moved it to here:

Dwarf fortress wiki mods